Hi there,
We are Judith and Arthur and since November 2021 we have been living in our expedition truck named Yoda.
For the first six months after moving in we were still based on a little farm in Switzerland, continuing with our jobs (Arthur is a doctor, Judith a mathematician) full time. We made two test trips to make sure everything would be fine with the vehicle and the box after we embarked on the real journey. We therefor had time to fix most of the problems that one ordinary has with such an old truck… not all, but most.
Our initial plan was to start with North America (Canada, USA and the Baja) and then ship Yoda to Russia, entering Mongolia from the North and driving back to Europe via Kazakhstan and Georgia. Start heading West, come home from the East… that was the plan. Unfortunately during our planning phase, war hit Europe and due to political tensions rising we had to defer from the plan (try finding a ship that takes you from the USA to Russia right now…). We‘ll probably do the Panamericana now but we‘ll see where the road takes us.
Mongolia is still planned by the way, but that will probably be another journey. We‘re just getting started. 😉